Saving files to your computer
Download the file(s) to your computer for listening now or at later date.
Note: If your browser is setup to play MP3s, a single left click will play the individual file clicked on in the application designated to play MP3s instead of downloading the selected file.
  • Chrome / Firfox
    Right mouse click the link and select "Save Link As." Follow prompts to save the file to your location, taking care to recognize where you saved the file.
  • Internet Explorer
    Right mouse click the link and select "Save Target As." Follow prompts to save the file to your location, taking care to recognize where you saved the file.
  • Macintosh
    Either control+click or click and hold the mouse button down on the link until the menu pops up. Select the item from the menu that indicates it will "save" or "download" the file to the disk. Select the file type before you click OK (the file type should be MP3 or source, depending on how your browser is configured).
File Download:
Part A
Part B
Part D
Part E